Making the right choice to get started


Nobody has the mind-set that everyone that owns a car is a mechanic.  Nor should they then have the mind-set that every one that owns a computer is a web developer.  Choosing Novage Communications the right Singapore company to design your website is as important as the content it should contain.  It will, for instance, not be the best choice to appoint a graphic designer as your sole web developer.  With the focus mainly on graphics, some important objectives might be overlooked and you will end up with a website that might not be browser independent.  Nor will it have the functionality you seek in a well-designed website.

As mentioned above, the main focus of web design should be the functionality of the webpage, the ease at which users interact with the design, and the basic optimization of the overall website.  It is what you can provide to the users that should have more attention.  A clean design is always an appealing one.

When looking at the functionality of your web design, there are a few questions you should ask yourself.  This will help you get a better understanding of the degree of functionality you currently have on your website.  Questions might include:

  • If your website has links, are they all working and loading as they should?
  • Do you have the necessary security that is required for users to operate on your website?
  • Does your website contain contact forms or feedback forms, and are they working properly?

Answering these questions will give you a clear understanding of the functionality of your web design.

Just as important as functionality is the ease at which users can interact with the website. Sometimes designing for ease of use might require giving up some functionality, which will be worth it as the user will be able to easily navigate your design, getting them where they need to be faster.Easy_navigation

There are numerous articles about web design optimization available on the web.  But what it basically gets down to is this: how fast can I access the content that I need.  Speed is the number one factor in web design.  With articles ranging from acceptable response time to web performance matters, all users online agree – They want things to happen now!

Studies have shown that an average response time of 4 seconds seems to be the norm when opening a webpage.  So it is essential that the main page of your website opens within that limit.  With limited images and smaller image sizes incorporated in your web development, this might not be so hard to do.  Consider what impression you want the users to have and work according to that.  No need to bombard them with detail and images on the first page.  A well-structured website will make any web developer earn his keep.